Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"too close for comfort"

so i haven't written in a while but i felt led to get on and write about this particular subject

I will start off by telling a short story my fiance josh shared with me.
There was a young boy who was welcomed into the kings palace but the king handed the boy a spoon full of oil and told him to walk around the palace, when the boy got back the king asked what he thought, and the boy replied "I was so concentrated on not spilling the oil, i did not see the palace at all"
The king told him to try it one more time but to open his eyes and look around.
The boy got back so excited and loved everything he saw but the oil was no longer in the spoon.

The point is, you should make sure the things right in front of you ARE taken care of, but dont get so caught up in that, that you dont see the big picture around you of your beautiful palace. There IS a happy medium.

take a picture frame that is bigger than your face and hold it to your nose, how much of that picture do you see? Now take it and hold it out in front of you, isnt the full picture so much better than that little glimps that you had before?

the truth is sometimes God DOESNT show us the full picture, sometimes HE only wants us to see a glimps, but are you so wrapped up around the glimps he gave you that you forget about the blue sky, the white snow, the friends Hes brought in your life, the blessings Hes given you?.....i have!

My best lessons are written out of experience. You live and you learn and as God opened my eyes I want to open yours

Maybe some of you have friends that have hurt you, family members, co workers, students, maybe you know some one who does drugs, drinks alchol, parties. Now think of how you treat that person, do you act holier than thou? or do you welcome them in showing them the light of Jesus the one who died for our sins, the all forgiving, all loving Lord and Savior? Do we stick our noses up, disaprove of everything they do, judge them and then dismiss them from our lives? WHY??? why do that???? dont hate the sinner hate the sin! I dont agree with the choices and i wont participate with them and i dont "dwell with fools" but i dont shun them off, i welcome them, i try to be an example, of our loving Jesus. Have you tried to tell these people about Jesus? and if they already know Him then God will be the one to judge NOT us.

I went to a conference recently, where adam mccain showed us a video, some of you may know him penn the migician, one of the biggest athiests, publically known. well he did a blog and stated "how much do you have to HATE some one not to tell them about heaven and hell" if we believe some one could go to hell and BURN FOR ETERNAL LIFE HOW CAN WE NOTTTT TELL PEOPLE if WE could change ONE life through Jesus Christ to get them to eternal life, dont you think its worth it????

thats all i had i have to say for now
love you all

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